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Village Board Minutes

April 7, 2008 (77)

An organizational meeting of the Board of Trustees was held April 7, 2008, 6 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave.

Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order & Treas Fuller led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Constitutional Oaths of Office were administered to Mayor Winslow, Trustee Densmore & Trustee Lescault.

Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, Enekes, & Lescault were present.

Mayor Winslow appointed Trustee Melanie Denno as Deputy Mayor.

Resolution #106 approved, Mayoral appointment of William Fuller as Treasurer, 4-year term.

Resolution #107 approved, Mayoral appointment of Nicole M. Colson as Village Clerk, 4-year term.

Resolution #108 approved, Mayoral appointment of Wally Estill as Planning Board Secretary, 1-year term.

Resolution #109 approved, Mayoral appointment of Wally Estill as Zoning Board of Appeals Secretary, 1-year term.

Resolution #110 approved, Mayoral appointment of John Jacon as Building Inspector, 1-year term.

Resolution #111 approved, Mayoral appointment of William Fuller as Budget Officer, 1-year term.

Resolution #112 approved, Mayor appointment of Arthur Lozier III as Damage Assessment Officer, 1-year term.

Resolution #113 approved, Fire Dept slate of officers as read.

Resolution #114 approved, Investment Policy without revisions.

Resolution #115 approved, Procurement Policy with no revisions.

Resolution #116 approved, Cell Phone Policy with no revisions,

Resolution #117 approved, Cyber-Notification Policy with no revisions.

Resolution #118 approved, Workplace Violence Prevention Policy.

Resolution #119 approved, Water Emergency Plan with no revisions.

Resolution #120 approved, Board Meeting schedule through April 1, 2009.

Resolution #121 approved, Organizational Meeting date established as April 6, 2009.

Resolution #122 approved, mileage rate of $0.505 paid to employees & officials when using personal vehicles.

Resolution #123 approved, Glens Falls Post Star designated official newspaper.

Resolution #124 approved, certain claims to be paid prior to audit.

Resolution #125 approved, TD Banknorth designated official depository.

Resolution #126 approved, Rules of Procedures for meetings without revisions.

Resolution #127 approved, permission for officials & employees to attend training sessions.

Mayor Winslow appointed the following liaisons to departments:
DPW, Streets & Sidewalks: Trustee Lescault
WWTP & Water: Trustee Densmore
Fire Dept: Trustee Denno
Disaster Planning, Village & Town Emergency Response Plan: Mayor, Trustee Denno, DPW Supt, & Fire Chief
Building Inspector/Code Enforcement: Trustee Enekes
Government Representative to the Town, County & State: Mayor Winslow
Village Municipal Waste Collection: Village Clerk & Treasurer
Senior Citizens: Trustee Lescault
Auditors: Trustee Enekes & Trustee Densmore
Reservoir Property: Trustee Denno, Trustee Lescault, DPW Supt
Other Village Lands: Trustee Densmore
Historical Representative: Trustee Densmore
Policy Handbook & Village Codes (other than zoning): Trustee Enekes & Village Clerk
Beach & Parks: Trustee Densmore
Beautification: Trustee Densmore
Corinth Merchants Association: Trustee Denno
Scenic Train & Parklands: Trustee Densmore & Trustee Denno
New Grant Opportunities, Small Cities, CDBG, Main St. Grant: Mayor Winslow, Trustee Denno & Treasurer
LDC: Trustee Enekes
Commercial Industrial Development: Mayor    & Trustee Denno
Capital Plan Development: Mayor, Trustee Enekes, Treasurer, Fire Chief & DPW Supt
Image Cmte: Trustee Enekes
Crossing Guards: Trustee Lescault

Shared Services Committee: Mayor, Trustee Denno, Trustee Lescault, Wally Estill, Nick Matino, DPW Supt & Fire Chief
Workplace Violence Assessment Policy Committee: Trustee Enekes, Village Clerk & DPW Supt
Treasurer & Budget Officer Selection Committee: Trustee Denno, Trustee Enekes, Village Clerk & Treasurer


TREASURER – Treas Fuller was present, report for 4/7/08 read & filed.

Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore approved payment of abstract #22: Payroll $28,142.30; General $148,011.48; Water $9,147.52; Sewer $11,366.45; Community Development $402.00.
Carried – 4 – 0



Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore that Board adjourn, 6:15 PM.
Carried – 4 – 0

Nicole M. Colson


A public hearing of the Village Board was held April 7, 2008 at the firehouse 16 Saratoga Ave, 6:15 PM.

Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, Enekes & Lescault were present.

Mayor Winslow opened the meeting and read the public notice as advertised in the Post Star on March 28, 2008 re: proposed 2008/2009 budget.

Treas Fuller presented the proposed budget in its entirety. Highlights of the proposed budget include the need to raise $1,427,450 in taxes, the use of $205,893 from fund balance, and increasing the tax rate to $9.21 per $1,000, (a five percent increase from last year).  Inside water rents would increase by $12 per year, outside water rents would increase by $18 per year.  Inside sewer rent would increase $10 per year, outside sewer rents would increase by $20 per year.


Treas Fuller explained the budget items in detail and answered numerous questions from the public.  Members of the public also asked about what services were going to be eliminated or reexamined.  The Board stated that the collection of recyclables will cease as of June 1, 2008.  The Board is still planning to remove snow from the sidewalks.  No major blacktopping projects are planned; repairs and patches are in the budget.  Members of the public also questioned the equitability of dividing the fire department budget between the Town and Village instead of having a fire district.  Chief Kelley explained the disadvantages of creating a fire district, such as the possibility of the costs to the taxpayers increasing based on a budget set by a fire commissioner.  Mayor Winslow also pointed out that the community may lose use of the firehouse community rooms if it is taken over by a fire district.

With no further input from the public, Mayor Winslow thanked Treas Fuller and closed the public hearing, 7:10 PM.

The proposed budget will be sent to the State for their review.  The Board scheduled a special meeting of the Village Board to be held April 23, 2008 at 8:30 AM in the Village Hall to pass the proposed budget after State review.


Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Densmore that Board adjourn, 7:20 PM.
Carried – 4 – 0

Nicole M. Colson