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Village Board MinutesMarch 26, 2008 (74) A special meeting of the Village Board was held March 26, 2008 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Avenue. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order & Trustee Densmore led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, Enekes & Lescault were present. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Enekes
approved minutes of joint board meetings March 19, 2008 and March 24, 2008 as
typed. CORRESPONDENCE Senator Farley has secured a $25,000 grant for the disinfection of effluent at the Waste Water Treatment Plant as well as a $25,000 grant for an ATV and equipment for the fire department. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK – Clerk Colson was present, report for 3/26/08 read & filed. Resolution #98 approved adjustment to the water/sewer rolls. Clerk Colson distributed a packet of policies for the Board’s review for approval at the Organizational Meeting. TREASURER – Treas Fuller was present. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present, report for March 2008 read & filed. CT Male has sent letters to the Dept of Health regarding the GWUDI determination & sequestering agent, we are awaiting their approval. Supt Lozier estimated the cost of repaving Lemont Ave at $175,000 – $200,000. If the Town is unavailable to assist, the project could be more expensive. Supt Lozier has an estimate of $1299 for materials for a 30-foot propane fired radiant heater system for the old police dept garage. Resolution #99 approved mayoral signature on contract with Adirondack Technical Services, prepared by the Village Attorney, to repair WWTP furnace for $9,200. Midge Nolan, Main Street, appeared before the Board to ask that a letter be drafted stating it is acceptable to the Village to install a driveway at her property on 304 Main St. Supt Lozier has no objection to a driveway 10 feet from the crosswalk; the Board instructed Supt Lozier to write such a letter for Mrs. Nolan. Mrs Nolan also stated there is damage to her fence caused by the snowplow; Supt Lozier stated the DPW would repair the damage. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Jacon present, report for 3/20/08 – 3/26/08 read & filed. ATTORNEY – Atty Auffredou was present, report for 3/26/08 read & filed. Atty Auffredou will not be present at the 4/16/08 Board meeting; another attorney from the firm will attend. Atty Auffredou requested an executive session to discuss the employment history of a particular unnamed person, which could lead to the appointment of a particular unnamed person to a position to be established by the Board. OLD BUSINESS The proposed loitering law has been tabled. We are awaiting approval of plans for a test well to address the GWUDI determination. WWTP disinfection of effluent pending DOH approvals. We have received a letter from DEC addressing incompletion in the application for the West Mtn Reservoir project, Laberge will cover the issues. The ZBA appointment was tabled. The Board discussed discontinuing recyclable collection in the Village due to the cost savings and the proximity of the transfer station. The Board encouraged residents to use the transfer station to dispose of their recyclables for free. Resolution #100 approved, the Village will cease residential recyclable collection effective June 1, 2008. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved publication in the Pennysaver News for four weeks in May, notice that
recyclable collection will be discontinued in the Village. Resolution #101 approved reimbursement of $150 to James Boisvert for damaged lawn lions. NEW BUSINESS Resolution #102 approved, declaration of proposed Jessup’s Landing Park project as classified as Type II action under SEQRA and therefore not subject to SEQRA review. The Board discussed proposals from engineers to advise the Village on Industrial Code Rule 56 on an as needed basis: CT Male $120 per hour, Harlan McGee $100 per hour. The Board discussed these proposals and the necessity of hiring consultants regarding asbestos removal to advise on the downtown debris. The Board ultimately decided that they did not wish to hire a consultant at this time and would continue to facilitate meetings with the property owners as they discuss the clean up of their properties. John D’Alessandro, attorney for Philmet, has advised that Philmet is meeting with the DEC regarding bonding of their landfill permits. Mr D’Alessandro asked the Village for a letter of support, but has offered no specifics. The Board discussed submitting a grant amendment, which would allow the Village to use unallocated downtown grant funds to assist in the cost of debris clean up if necessary. Potential funds would have to be applied for, the Board has not decided to use the money in this way but want to submit an amendment in case it becomes necessary. Resolution #103 approved mayoral signature, upon attorney review, on a letter to the Office of Small Cities requesting an amendment to our grant enabling the Village to use grant money to assist in clean up of debris downtown if necessary. The Board engaged in a lengthy discussion of the proposed budget. The Board decided not to repave Lemont Ave this year and repair the road instead. Supt Lozier stated that the cost of repairs would be between $5,000 - $6,000. The Board decided to allocate $50,000 into reserves toward repaving Lemont Ave next year. The Board also discussed a 5% tax increase for the 2008/2009 budget year. The Board decided to replace Treas Fuller with a full-time Treasurer upon his retirement in the summer as opposed to combining the Clerk & Treasurer positions. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno
approved publication in the Glens Falls Post Star of a public hearing on the
proposed 2008/2009 budget on Monday, April 7, 2008 at 6:15 PM in the firehouse,
16 Saratoga Ave. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Brad Morrow asked the status of the fire investigation for the Main St properties. According to Ray Bush, fire investigator, the boiler did not start the fire and the cause is still under investigation. Mr Morrow also asked about the grant money for downtown properties and whom it was earmarked for. Mayor Winslow stated the money that is left was unallocated at the time of the fire and is now set aside for the rebuilding of downtown. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno that
Board adjourn to executive session to discuss the employment history of a
particular unnamed person which could lead to the appointment of a
particular unnamed person to a position to be established by the Board as
requested by Atty Auffredou, 8:25 PM. Atty Auffredou stated after the executive session the Board was asserting the attorney client privilege contained in CPLR 4503 to attain legal advice or a legal opinion. At 9:10 PM the Board reconvened. Resolution #104 approved giving notification to owners of downtown fire damaged property re: fencing property. Resolution #105 approved the provisional appointment of Gary Holmes to the position of Assistant DPW Superintendent at the salary of $38,000 per year plus two weeks vacation time effective 3/31/08. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Enekes that
Board adjourn, 9:20 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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