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Village Board MinutesMarch 19, 2008 (69) A joint meeting of the Town Board, School Board and Village Board was held March 19, 2008 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Celia Lockhart, School Board President, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore & Enekes were
present. Trustee Lescault was excused. Mayor Winslow welcomed everyone to the special joint meeting and thanked the Board members and department heads in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss shared services; Mayor Winslow outlined the many services already shared between the Village and the Town such as the assessor, justices, the Fire Department, Emergency Management Committee, highway equipment and labor. The Village and Town have also applied for grants together to share equipment for the highway department. The Town and Village both work with the school to assist with snow removal and snow and salt purchases. Other area municipal highway departments have also cooperated with the Town & Village departments. Most previous arrangements between the municipalities have been on a handshake basis, but the State encourages the use of intermunicipal agreements. Dr. Starr stated that much of the sharing with the school centers on the DPW and Highway Departments. In return, the school does not charge the Town or Village for use of school buildings, fields or buses. The school currently has a Distance Learning Lab that they encourage the Town & Village to use for training, workshops, education or legal conferences. Dr. Starr also offered the use of the school’s phone notification system and discussed creating one community calendar for use by the school, Town & Village so that the information would be available on one site. Supv Lucia stated that intermunicipal cooperation is recently stressed by the State, but our community has been sharing services for a long time. The recent downtown fire was a prime example of cooperation and sharing, our community works well together. Chief Kelley spoke of mutual aid plans that fire companies sign giving use of their equipment to other area fire companies. Any damage to equipment borrowed is the responsibility of the borrower. Atty Auffredou stated intermunicipal agreements are similar as far as liability. Councilman Saunders quoted data from a 2005 Village survey and a recent study done by the Town which show most respondents are in favor of exploring consolidation of the Village and the Town. Councilman Saunders felt the comprehensive plans of the Village and Town may not properly address growth, and stressed having one comprehensive plan for the community. Councilman Saunders stated the school system is of great value to the community. Councilman Saunders emphasized the need to determine if money would be saved from consolidation. Mayor Winslow stated the Village has a committee exploring shared services and consolidation, Treas Fuller, Mayor Winslow, Trustee Lescault, Wally Estill and Nick Matino are members. After much discussion, the Boards agreed that representatives of the Town, fire department and highway departments should also be represented on this committee. Mayor Winslow also invited representatives from the school board to join the committee. Councilman Byrnes expressed his opinion that the committee meetings should be held as public meetings. The Boards discussed, in depth, the question of applying for a State grant to bring in a professional advisement group to evaluate the potential benefits of consolidation. Dr Starr, Meredith Jenkins, and Celia Lockhart spoke of their positive experiences with professional advisement for their strategic plan. The school board stressed that the professional group guided the process and offered experience and advisement while remaining objective, all conclusions, ideas and planning resulting from the study are a community project. The consensus was that the Village and Town should investigate a grant in order to hire professional advisors. Town Clerk Farr recounted information from the Town Clerk’s Association about a bill before the Assembly to eliminate the school tax collector position and making some local positions County level positions. Dr Starr spoke of other potential areas for sharing services such as combining the school bus garage, the DPW and highway department garages, sharing a mechanic, and contracting with the Town for snow removal. Supt Eggleston & Supt Lozier stated the equipment owned by the departments compliment each other so that sharing is beneficial, and all materials are purchased on State contract so there is no need to combine material orders. The Boards listened to comments from the public and answered numerous questions. Mayor Winslow thanked the Boards for their participation. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Densmore to adjourn joint meeting, 7:10 PM. Carried – 3 – 0 At 7:20 PM the Village Board reconvened for the regular meeting. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Enekes approved
minutes of regular meeting March 5, 2008 and special meeting March 12, 2008 as
typed. SPECIFIC REQUESTS Mike Sawyer, CT Male Associates, spoke to the Board about Industrial Code Rule 56: asbestos removal. Mr. Sawyer stated that since the buildings downtown are demolished they must be treated as if they contained asbestos. Proper removal involves an asbestos abatement contractor taping off the site, workers must wear respirators, and trucks must be lined with poly and brought to a landfill approved to take asbestos materials. Third party air monitoring is required during removal. John Yannaci, downtown business owner, asked about the protection of people downtown during the removal. Mr. Sawyer replied that the pile is static & weather conditions have been wet, there should be no health issues. During removal there would be a 25-foot buffer zone around the removal area and the material would be wetted while removed. If a variance were granted to reduce the 25-foot buffer zone, an 8-foot fence would be erected. Other residents asked questions regarding removal and the time involved. Mr. Sawyer answered these questions and stated that the cost of removal would be $80 - $125 per ton of material and should take 3 – 4 days to remove. There is a 10-day notification period before removal starts and variance requests are usually processed in 2-4 weeks. Mayor Winslow asked Mr. Sawyer for a proposal to advise the Board on steps that should be taken. Mayor Winslow requested an executive session to discuss pending litigation. Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Denno that
Board adjourn to executive session to discuss pending litigation as requested
by Mayor Winslow, 8:00 PM. With no action taken in executive session the Board reconvened at 8:35 PM. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Winslow read a letter from the Image Committee stating the Independence Day Celebration will be held on July 5, 2008. Teresa Sayward will be the main speaker; there will be a ceremony, parade and fireworks. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK – Clerk Colson was present, report for 3/19/08 read & filed. Resolution #95 approved adjustment to the water/sewer rolls. The Board cancelled the regular meeting for 4/2/08 and will hold a special meeting 3/26/08, 6:00 PM in the firehouse. Clerk Colson distributed a proposed Workplace Violence Prevention Policy for the Board’s review. TREASURER – Treas Fuller was present, report for 3/19/08 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Densmore, seconded by Trustee Denno approved payment of abstract #21: Payroll $30,647.65; General $24,726.48; Water $2,800.79; Sewer $6,069.62; Community Development $38,280.48. Carried – 3 – 0 Resolution #96 approved budget transfers. Treas Fuller discussed purchasing garbage cans from County Waste. County Waste can provide a small number of cans of any size for $65 each, or used refurbished cans at $25 each. The Board agreed to purchase both new and refurbished cans from County Waste. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley was present. The mayor commended Chief Kelley & Trustee Denno for the work they did organizing the Community Appreciation Day at the firehouse. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present. Supt Lozier distributed a personnel packet to the Board for their review. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Densmore
approved publication of the 4/21 – 4/24 hydrant flushing schedule in the
Pennysaver. Supt Lozier informed the Board that Dr & Mrs Nolan on Main St requested a letter from the Board stating that new owners of their house would be allowed to put a driveway next to their house. Currently there is a handicap ramp, no curb cut should be necessary. Supt Lozier stated he has no problem with granting the request. The Board requested the Nolan’s submit a sketch of the potential location for their review. Quotes for the repair of the furnace at the WWTP were reviewed. Current quotes were for replacement of the furnace or for repair of the furnace. Supt Lozier suggested asking for quotes that include ductwork and an additional heating zone. The Board agreed to table the quotes pending review of new quotes. At 9:00 PM Chief Kelley & Supt Lozier were excused. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Jacon was present, report for 3/6/08 – 3/19/08 read & filed. Insp Jacon congratulated the mayor and trustees on their reelection.
ATTORNEY – Atty Auffredou was present, report for 3/19/08 read & filed. The ZBA is preparing suggestions for revision of the sign law. The ZBA has authorized their Chairperson to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Saratoga County Planning Board. Atty Auffredou recommended the Village send a letter to the owners of fire damaged Main St property about the asbestos removal code. The Board asked Atty Auffredou to draft a letter for the mayor’s signature. OLD BUSINESS Discussion on the proposed loitering law has been tabled. NYS Health Dept GWUDI determination and WWTP disinfection of effluent are pending. West Mtn Reservoir project pending. Appointment to the ZBA has been tabled to allow Trustee Denno & Trustee Enekes to meet with a candidate. NEW BUSINESS The Board discussed two bids submitted for recyclable collection. Currently the Village pays $20,900 for weekly pick-up for the year; the lowest bid for 2008/2009 is $30,450 for pick-up twice a month. The Board discussed no longer offering recycling pick-up due to the proximity of the Town recycling center. The issue was tabled for further discussion. Mr Boisvert on Hamilton Avenue has submitted a claim for $150 reimbursement for stone lions damaged by the snowplow. The Board requested he submit a vendor’s quote of replacement cost. Resolution #97 approved, authorized mayoral signature on contract to be drafted by the Village attorney for property maintenance services from Cleveland Brothers Landscaping at the cost of $3,220 per year. Resolution #98 approved, authorized mayoral signature on contract to be drafted by the Village attorney for geese repellant services from North Country Pest Control at the cost of $1,800 per season. The Scenic Train Committee meeting on April 8, 2008 at the firehouse at 1:00 PM will also be a Board meeting since a quorum of the Board will be participating. The Board discussed the potential forestry of the West Mountain Reservoir property. The Board instructed Mayor Winslow to contact the previous forester, Christopher Gearwar, to discuss a quote. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Peter Morreale, Hamilton Ave, informed the Board that 60 feet of his sidewalk floods approximately four inches every spring. Mayor Winslow will contact the engineers for a recommendation. Stan Hoffman, Main St, is concerned with the condition of the property next door to him. The Board instructed Insp Jacon to contact Dr. Pitkin for a written report of potential health code violations. Kevin Cleveland, Second St, stated that he is having the same type of rusty water problem as Beech St. Mayor Winslow stated the Dept of Health is reviewing a proposal for a sequestering agent, which may alleviate the problem. Mitch Saunders asked if there is more grant money being distributed to downtown areas. Mayor Winslow stated that applications that have been submitted are being reviewed, but no new applications are being accepted. BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS – none. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Enekes, seconded by Trustee Densmore that Board adjourn, 9:45 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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