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Village Board MinutesFebruary 27, 2008 (62) A public hearing of the Village Board was held February 27, 2008 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and Mollie Milkiewicz led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno & Enekes were present. Trustee Densmore was excused & Trustee Lescault was late. Mayor Winslow opened the public hearing and read the public notice as advertised in the Post Star on February 20, 2008 re: proposed submission of HOME and CDBG grants. Jim Thatcher explained the proposed grants and their goal of improving the safety and quality of Village structures and possibly improving Village infrastructure. The HOME grant would be open to home owners Village-wide. Both grant awards would be announced in late summer. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS Mollie Milkiewicz, downtown business owner asked if grants were awarded when would the funds be available & if infrastructure improvements to the Village could include running natural gas lines. The grant funds would likely be available January 2009; there is no natural gas supply in the area other than INDECK’s dedicated line. Mayor Winslow stated he would look into the natural gas issue. Trustee Enekes asked if homeowners that were previously awarded grant funds would be able to apply for additional funds. Mr. Thatcher stated that it would be possible if a need still existed, but generally, new applicants would have priority over re-applicants. With no further comment from the public, Mayor Winslow closed the public hearing at 6:30 PM. Nicole M. Colson A regular meeting of the Village Board was held Feb 27, 2008 at 6:30 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Resolution #87 approved authorizing mayoral signature on HOME grant application & related grant documents. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Enekes approved
the minutes of regular meeting Feb 6, 2008 and special meeting Feb 25, 2008 as
typed. Mayor Winslow announced that a Community Appreciation Day will be held at 10:00 AM on Saturday, 3/1/08 at the firehouse to recognize the participants in the emergency response to the Feb 11 downtown fire. State government representatives will attend to honor the firefighters and other participants. The public is encouraged to attend. A benefit concert will be held at Northern Lights, Route 146, North Country Commons, in Clifton Park, at 6:00 PM on March 7, 2008 to benefit the Starmania Tattoo parlor that was destroyed by the downtown fire. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Winslow read the Sheriff’s report for January. DEPARTMENT REPORTS CLERK – Clerk Colson was present, report for 2/27/08 read & filed. Resolution #88 approved adjustment to the water/sewer rolls. TREASURER – Treas Fuller was present, report for 2/27/08 read & filed. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Enekes,
approved payment of abstract #19: Payroll $34,656.49; General $43,963.10; Water
$5,921.02; Sewer $9,396.67; and Community Development $7,500. FIRE DEPARTMENT – Chief Kelley & Asst Chief Dan Kelley were present. The Jessup’s Landing fire siren will be delivered on Friday and functional by Sunday morning. Senator Hugh Farley’s office has awarded the fire department a $25,000 grant towards purchasing an ATV and other fire fighting equipment. Mayor Winslow expressed the Board’s appreciation and pride in the work the fire department has done for the Village. DPW/WATER/WWTP – Supt Lozier was present Snow will be hauled from the dead-end streets & storm drains will be cleared in anticipation of the rains on Monday. Supt Lozier has met with the Health Department & identified a few things that need to be changed on the emergency response plan and vulnerability assessment for water. CT Male should have further determination on the GWUDI problem. We are still waiting for the DEC’s approval of the WWTP disinfection of effluent project. Supt Lozier requested an executive session to discuss the employment history of a particular unnamed employee or employees. Don Bolduc will have a price on the proposed sequestering agent to be added to the water to coat the pipes and will present the information to the Board. BUILDING INSPECTOR – Insp Jacon was present, report for 2/27/08 read & filed. ATTORNEY – Atty Auffredou was present, report for 2/27/08 read & filed. The planning board meets 2/28/08; ZBA meets 3/12/08. The ZBA will be discussing the proposed amendment to the Sign Law and will present their opinion to the Board. OLD BUSINESS The March 19, 2008 Board meeting will be a joint Town and Village Board meeting at 6:00 PM in the firehouse to discuss shared services prior to the regular Village Board meeting. The proposed loitering law is tabled for further discussion. Plans for the treatment of the WWTP effluent are still pending approval by the DEC; our compliance deadline will be extended while we await their approval. There is no current update on the West Mountain Reservoir Project. An appropriations request for $236,000 for engineering costs related to the rehabilitation of Oak & Walnut Street has been submitted to Congresswoman Gillibrand’s office. NEW BUSINESS Trustee Denno & Trustee Enekes will be meeting with Matthew Rogers to discuss his possible appointment to the ZBA. At 6:45 PM Trustee Lescault arrived. Mayor Winslow has been contacted by the Rebuilding Together Organization about undertaking a repair or rebuilding project for a community building; Mayor Winslow asked for project suggestions. The Board engaged in an extensive discussion about the 2008/2009 budget. Treas Fuller presented the Board with worksheets of an estimated budget proposal. The preliminary numbers include a 3% increase in taxes, an increase of $26.00 for a $100,000 home. The Board discussed ways to include the cost of repaving Lemont Avenue in the budget, proposed adding money toward the DPW equipment reserves and reviewed a detailed budget proposal from the fire department. The Board also discussed keeping the Mayor and Trustee’s salaries at the same amount as the past two years with no cost of living increases. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno,
approved a publication in the Post Star soliciting bids for recyclable
collection with a bid opening scheduled for March 19, 2008 at 3:00 PM in the
Village Hall. The Board discussed the need to fence in the downtown site of the fire as a hazard to public safety. The Department of Labor has halted removal of the debris due to asbestos concerns. Jeff & Mollie Milkiewicz expressed their willingness to fence in their property, but asked the Board to determine when the debris can be removed. Jim Thatcher, Avalon Associates, suggested that the Board might want to consider hiring an environmental engineer to test the site for asbestos. The Board decided to have Atty Auffredou contact Cleveland Brothers to find out exactly what the Department of Labor said before taking further action. Property owners will be notified that they must secure their sites by Friday. PUBLIC COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS – none.
BOARD COMMENTS, QUESTIONS & CONCERNS – none. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno, that
Board adjourn to executive session to discuss the employment history of a
particular unnamed employee or employees as requested by Supt Lozier, 8:23 PM. With no action taken in executive session the Board reconvened at 9:00 PM. Motion by Trustee Lescault, seconded by Trustee Denno that
Board adjourn, 9:00 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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