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Village Board MinutesJanuary 9, 2008 (52) A special meeting of the Village Board was held January 9, 2008 at 6:00 PM in the firehouse, 16 Saratoga Ave. Mayor Winslow called the meeting to order and former Mayor Nick Matino led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Trustees Denno, Densmore, Enekes & Lescault were present. Also Present: Jason Denno, Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC); Alexandra Rhodes, CT Male; Carmen Lorenz, Camoin Associates; Supt Lozier; Atty Auffredou; Treas Fuller and Clerk Colson. NEW BUSINESS Jason Denno, EFC, explained that the EFC assists communities with their wastewater and infrastructure needs through technical assistance with planning and design as well as finding funding. Alexandra Rhodes, CT Male, spoke about updating the hydrolic model to determine pressure & capacity of the water system. Some water is being lost in probably more than one place, but it is difficult to identify since the system is not metered. Ms. Rhodes also spoke about the Hamilton Ave wells being determined to be under the direct influence of surface water. CT Male is exploring the options to remedy the situation, including the possibility of building a filtration plant or drilling new wells. The Village has never had a bacterial outbreak and extensive testing has been done. A filtration plant would be the most expensive option at approximately $1.3 million, but would be the most permanent solution to meet future changes in the Department of Health requirements. Supt Lozier stated that the 4-inch lines on Walnut St and Ash St need to be replaced with 8-inch lines. The DPW is flushing the hydrants as often as possible to alleviate the sediment problem in the 4-inch lines. Mayor Winslow stated that the sewer lines, streets, sidewalk and curbing should all be replaced at the same time as the water lines. Mr. Denno described in detail the necessary aspects of a successful application, the scoring system and the types of co-funding available: grants, low and no interest loans. The water filtration plant and the distribution system upgrades would be combined into one application to be submitted by March 1, 2009. Technical assistance grants are available to assist with planning costs and preparation of an application. Mr. Denno believes the Village will meet hardship requirements, all loan funds would need to be exhausted before grant monies were expended and construction must start within two years of the hardship determination. Mr. Denno also offered to contact the NY Rural Water Association on the Village’s behalf to conduct free water line inspections. Mike Russo, from Congresswoman Gillibrand’s office, stated that the Congresswoman understands the community’s needs and is committed to make sure federal funding is available and offered support letters for grant requests. The Board answered questions from the public regarding the water system and extensively discussed potential solutions including the option of installing filters in residents’ homes. Ms. Rhodes stated she would research the filters for the next board meeting and encouraged diligent flushing of hydrants in the meantime. Atty Auffredou, Mike Russo, and Alexandra Rhodes all spoke of stellar experiences with the EFC and commended them on the excellent program they offer to communities. Mayor Winslow thanked Mr. Denno, Ms. Rhodes and Ms. Lorenz for their input. Resolution #76 approved mayoral signature on the dam rehabilitation project work plan to submit to the DEC. Motion by Trustee Denno, seconded by Trustee Lescault that
Board adjourn, 7:12 PM. Nicole M. Colson |
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